Sunday 28 February 2016

A complaint letter

Av. Panagall, 38, 1-1
Arenys de Munt, Barcelona
28th February 2016
Mayor’s Office
Town Hall

Dear Mr Rabasseda,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention that the streets of Arenys de Munt are not properly cleaned. I am talking about the dog droppings, which cause the bad appearance of our streets.

First of all, I know that the solution to this problem is in the hands of the dog owners, who have the responsibility of cleaning the feaces of their pets, but I also think that you could do something to solve it, such as imposing fines to people who do not pick them up or hiring a cleaning service to make sure our streets are kept clean.

To make matters worse, dogs whose owners do not pick up after them increase water pollution. Pet waste is full of bacteria that can make people sick and if it is washed into the storm drains and ends up in our rivers and lakes, the waste enters our water.

I strongly urge you to take into consideration this problem. I suggest giving fines to people who do not take care of their pet waste and using the money to hire a cleaning service.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely,

Souhaila El Haji

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